We would love to hear from you.
For all wedding and event florist services, availability, and pricing, please fill-in the form below and we will be in touch.
If this form doesn't fit your needs, send an email directly to: flowerfriendssf@gmail.com
“Flower Friends did such an amazing job with our wedding florals! Emily is attentive, creative, and easy to talk to. We really enjoyed bouncing ideas about color scheme, texture, and shapes. It was a delight to see everything come together and fit in so well with our venue. Our favorite floral was the flower arch — it was the highlight of the ceremony and reception!”
“Working with Flower Friends is an absolute dream come true! I've had the pleasure of doing multiple events with them and every single time - I'm blown away. Emily completely understands my vision and takes it to the next level. Guests are always complementing the florals and want to know who did them.”
— Richelle S, Bay Area Event Producer & Founder of On Connection